The bad always outweighs the good in our brains.
Ben Carlson
The Rebirth of the IPO
Everything in the markets is cyclical, including IPOs.
Talk Your Book: Investing in High-Quality Growth Stocks
Michael and I spoke with Eric Schoenstein, CIO and portfolio manager of Jensen Investment Management about investing in high-quality growth stocks.
Bulls on Parade
Bull markets last longer than you think but corrections are a feature of investing.
The Best Investments I Ever Made
Investing in times of crisis.
What’s Driving the Stock, Bond & Housing Markets Right Now?
The one factor that’s causing housing, stock and bond prices to rise.
Animal Spirits: $35 Trillion Giveaway
Michael and I discuss the Robinhood S-1, huge gains in the U.S. stock market, alien movies and more.
The Robinhood Conundrum
Some thoughts on the Robinhood S-1.
How Long Does it Take For the Stock Market to Double Off a Bear Market Bottom?
A historical look at 100% returns from bear market lows.
What Would You Do with a Hundred Grand Right Now?
What if you won $100k right now? What would you do with that money?