Is Charlie Munger right about it being harder for millennials to get rich?
Ben Carlson
10 Things You Shouldn’t Care About as an Investor
10 things investors spend too much time worrying about.
Animal Spirits: We Should Be In a Bubble
Michael and I discuss unreal results from the tech giants, millennials buying more homes, Bill Murray stories and more.
When Does It Make Sense to Take Profits From Your Biggest Winners?
5 questions to ask yourself if you’re sitting on big gains in your portfolio.
The Difference Between Managing Money and Managing Investors
What if your advisor is waiting to buy the dip on your behalf?
The U.S. Stock Market SHOULD Be In a Bubble
Why valuations are even harder than ever to use to handicap markets.
Owning a Car vs. Leasing a Car
Why I lease my car.
Stock Market Returns Are Anything But Average
A reader asks: Ben, I believe you have written at least once about how surprisingly few times the stock market has grown near its long-term average in a given year. In other words, its typical annual returns are well above its long-term ~10% average, or well below. I’m searching for it on your blog site…
Animal Spirits: The YOLO Economy
This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is supported by YCharts: Mention Animal Spirits and receive 20% off your subscription price when you initially sign up for the service. If you’re looking for a new job at a fast-growing investment research firm, YCharts is hiring. We discuss: Why would you use leverage to trade crypto? Why making a…
The Golden Age of Fraud is Upon Us
Why the current market environment is ripe for financial fraud.