Ben Carlson

How Much Money Do You Need to Make to Buy a New Car?

I first read The Millionaire Next Door a few years out of college. For some reason the following stats were the ones that jumped out at me the most: 63% of the millionaires surveyed for the book purchased or leased new cars but 37% bought used. 46% of these millionaires had either the current year…

Animal Spirits: The Active Management Resurgence

This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is supported by YCharts: Mention Animal Spirits and receive 20% off your subscription price when you initially sign up for the service. If you’re looking for a new job at a fast-growing investment research firm, YCharts is hiring. We discuss: The most bullish thing about the stock market right now The…

Talk Your Book: Investing in the Gig Economy

Today’s Talk Your Book is presented by SoFi: We spoke with David Dziekanski, Portfolio Manager for the SoFi Gig Economy ETF. We discuss: What is the gig economy? The 4 biggest themes in the gig economy What is the gig economy like outside of the United States? The Amazon of Africa The crazy growth of…