Search Results for: "different"

The Awful Economy Paul Volcker Inherited in 1979

The 2007-2009 economic crisis was an all-time horrible situation not only for all of us normal people who had to live through it but also those central bankers who had to figure out how to save a sinking ship. They basically threw the kitchen sink at the problem and we’re all better off for it…

Putting Private Equity Dry Powder Into Perspective

The Wall Street Journal had a piece this past week about cash piling up at private equity firms as valuations in the space continue to rise: For North American PE firms alone this “dry powder” is fast approaching $800 billion. That’s a lot of cash on the sidelines. The problem is, this technically isn’t cash…

Is Daycare the Next Student Loan Crisis?

Before my oldest entered kindergarten this fall, we had 3 children going to daycare for a year-and-a-half or so. Our twins still have a few years to go. The monthly bill was higher than our mortgage payment (including property taxes). Luckily, my wife and I love our daycare. Our kids love going and playing with…