Animal Spirits: Getting Rich Quick

On today’s show we discuss the round trip in oil prices, why predicting the future is so difficult, how we define a bubble, why interest rates didn’t go higher, active outflows are speeding up, Black Friday deals we found, crypto prices got out of hand, the downside of technology and more.

Talk Your Book: The Buy-Write Strategy

On today’s show, we are joined by Ray Di Bernardo, VP and Portfolio Manager of Madison Investments to discuss writing call options, buying growth at a reasonable price, earnings in 2023, and much more!

The S&P 500 is Not the Economy

Technology stocks make up nearly 24% of the S&P 500. And that number is probably understating things since many of the biggest companies aren’t technically in the tech sector. Amazon and Tesla are two of the biggest holdings in the consumer discretionary sector. Facebook, Google and Netflix are in the communications sector. Many of these…