Animal Spirits: Peak Inflation

On today’s show we discuss inflation rolling over, the possibility of a soft landing, Santa Claus rallies, SBF getting arrested, what a housing market comeback would look like, picking stocks vs. picking stock-pickers, The White Lotus season 2, and much more.

Talk Your Book: Insourced CIO

On today’s show, we are joined by Joe Mallen, CIO of Helios to discuss what he’s hearing from advisors in this environment, insourced vs outsourced CIOs, bond and equity attractiveness going forward, and much more!

Some Thoughts About Investing

Some random thoughts about markets and investing I’ve been thinking about lately: The fear of missing out and the joy of missing out are two sides of the same coin. In bull markets, you feel like an idiot for not going all-in on the highest of high fliers. In bear markets, that FOMO quickly turns…

What Happens If Housing Prices Fall 20%?

Nationwide price declines in the housing market are relatively rare. Since 1987, there have been just three times when the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index has been in a state of drawdown: The first was in the early-1990s when housing prices fell a little more than 2% nationally. Then you have the housing crash at…

Animal Spirits: A Bear Market in Housing

On today’s show, we discuss continued strength in the labor market, sticky high inflation, why the market isn’t listening to the Fed anymore, the case for a 20% decline in housing prices, why Netflix rules streaming, sending back a drink at the bar, and much more.