Why this is nothing like the housing bubble of the mid-2000s.
Animal Spirits: High School Reunion
Michael and I discuss the roaring 20s, the end of cash, people quitting their jobs, growth taking out value again and more.
Why Do We Always Focus on the Bad Stuff?
The bad always outweighs the good in our brains.
The Rebirth of the IPO
Everything in the markets is cyclical, including IPOs.
Talk Your Book: Investing in High-Quality Growth Stocks
Michael and I spoke with Eric Schoenstein, CIO and portfolio manager of Jensen Investment Management about investing in high-quality growth stocks.
Bulls on Parade
Bull markets last longer than you think but corrections are a feature of investing.
The Best Investments I Ever Made
Investing in times of crisis.
What’s Driving the Stock, Bond & Housing Markets Right Now?
The one factor that’s causing housing, stock and bond prices to rise.
Animal Spirits: $35 Trillion Giveaway
Michael and I discuss the Robinhood S-1, huge gains in the U.S. stock market, alien movies and more.
The Robinhood Conundrum
Some thoughts on the Robinhood S-1.