A Random Watch Down Wall Street: Boiler Room

A few weeks ago we were having a discussion on Twitter about the greatest finance movies. Here’s the list we came up with: The Big Short Trading Places Wall Street Boiler Room Margin Call The Wolf of Wall Street Someone then had the bright idea to recommend Michael and I re-watch some of these classics…

Putting Private Equity Dry Powder Into Perspective

The Wall Street Journal had a piece this past week about cash piling up at private equity firms as valuations in the space continue to rise: For North American PE firms alone this “dry powder” is fast approaching $800 billion. That’s a lot of cash on the sidelines. The problem is, this technically isn’t cash…

Animal Spirits: It’s What It Is

On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael and Ben we discuss: The pros and cons of Netflix handing the keys over to creatives The Irishman The coming generational wealth transfer Celebrating some good news in the economy Why the fin is the hardest part of fintech There are too many contrarians in the world Is…

Is Daycare the Next Student Loan Crisis?

Before my oldest entered kindergarten this fall, we had 3 children going to daycare for a year-and-a-half or so. Our twins still have a few years to go. The monthly bill was higher than our mortgage payment (including property taxes). Luckily, my wife and I love our daycare. Our kids love going and playing with…