Some thoughts on inflation, Thanksgiving, The Rock, bubbles and more.
Some thoughts on inflation, Thanksgiving, The Rock, bubbles and more.
The relationship between the savings rate and the labor market.
Is it a good idea to lock in some profits on your house?
Today’s Animal Spirits is presented by Groundfloor: Check out our interview with Groundfloor CEO Brian Dally from July here. We discuss: Why inflation make everyone angry How the White House dropped the ball on inflation messaging Now vs. the last time inflation was this high Why higher inflation isn’t necessarily a bad thing for stocks…
The economy is booming but no one is happy.
The worst case for inflation from current levels.
Buying low vs. catching a falling knife.
Is a 90/10 portfolio too risky in retirement?
High inflation is going to be a huge story over the holidays.
Michael and I discuss Elon Musk’s Twitter antics, growth stocks getting pummelled, how to listen to a company earnings call and much more.