Ben Carlson

Stock Market Valuations Won’t Predict the Next Crash

A large number of people have rightly been pointing to higher valuations to temper investor expectations about future returns. The problem is many of these same people have taken things a step further and used valuations to predict market crashes or the path of returns. Valuations don’t work very well as a timing indicator, as…

Constructive Dissatisfaction

It’s possible I’m becoming a huge sap over the past few years now that I have children. So during the holidays I find myself pondering things like the ideal balance between my family and everything else in my life while considering how happiness and time management fit into this equation. A few weeks ago I wrote…

The 2017 Financial Market Awards

Here are your 2017 Financial Market Award winners: Biggest (non-crypto) Winners: Pretty Much Everything Stocks were up around the globe as U.S., European, Japanese and emerging markets have all gained in excess of 20%. Bonds were up. Gold was up. REITs were up. Small caps, mid caps, individual countries, you name it. Morningstar’s Jeffrey Ptak…

Animal Spirits Episode 9: Invest Like the Worst

On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss: Michael’s old trading diary and why he shorted Amazon. The benefits of documenting your investment process & ideas. GMO’s latest dire predictions for the markets. The prospect for micro efficiency and macro inefficiency in the markets. Why the path of returns matters more than…

The Pros & Cons of Momentum Investing

Since I wrote this piece for Bloomberg in late-October there has been an additional 14 new all-time highs in the S&P 500. I’m often asked why the market continues to trudge higher in the face of so much uncertainty in the world. The simplest explanation is this idea of momentum. Momentum is by far the…

Seeing Both Sides

It’s intelligent behavior to see the other side of an argument in the markets because no one is right all the time and it’s easy to become blinded by our own beliefs. With this idea in mind, allow me to share some recent charts and statistics I’ve come across in recent weeks along with an…

Best Idea Wins

Tim Whatley was always one of my favorite recurring characters on Seinfeld. Whatley was Jerry’s dentist and was played masterfully by Bryan Cranston, who later went onto Breaking Bad fame. There was one episode where Jerry goes to get some dental work done by Dr. Whatley. Before giving Jerry the gas to put him out, Whatley…

Animal Spirits Episode 8: May Day

On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss: The huge problems facing municipal pension plans. The pension fund Hail Mary in private equity. Jeremy Siegel’s less pessimistic expected return assumptions. Why women are better investors than men. Why historical market returns are likely overstated. The unfortunate math on a 60/40 portfolio. Bitcoin…

2017 Has Been a Remarkable Run For Stocks

“The easy money has been made” is one of my least favorite sayings in all of finance because you can only know this with the benefit of hindsight. Well, with that benefit, 2017 was about as easy as it gets. There hasn’t been a down month or a loss of greater than 3% in the…

What a Complacent Investor Looks Like

During three separate interviews this week I was asked if I was seeing any signs of complacency among investors, markets, or clients. If anything, the people I talk to are more concerned with the high probability of lower market returns in the future but my view is surely clouded by the clientele and readers I…