Michael & Ben discuss the streaming wars, the NBA-China kerfuffle, what a CFA means today and much more.
Ben Carlson
When Performance Leads Assets
When performance causes outsized flows into and out of funds.
Re-Kindled: Malcolm Gladwell
On this edition of Re-Kindled, we re-read Malcolm Gladwell’s first two books, Tipping Point and Blink. We discuss: Why is there so much backlash against Gladwell The rise of pop psychology Why has Sesame Street been so popular for so long? What causes ideas to spread like wildfire? The big investor who had money with Bernie Madoff…
Terrible Business Plans, Wonderful Businesses
Business plans that sound ridiculous until you realize how well they worked in real life.
Where Have all the Stock Market Wizards Gone?
Why we’re unlikely to see many new stock market wizards in the coming decades.
World War II: The Economic Anomaly
How World War II changed the economic landscape.
Animal Spirits: Winners of the Financial Crisis
Michael and Ben discuss who won the financial crisis, The Joker, tech unicorn IPOs and much more.
Would the Market Care if the President Was Impeached?
A historical look back at how the stock market has reacted to past presidential turmoil.
Finance Topics That Make Your Head Hurt
Why reinvestment risk is so difficult to deal with when bond prices move considerably.
Why Do Rich People Give So Much Money to Ivy League Schools?
Do the biggest college endowments have too much money?