How much have fundamentals driven the bull market in stocks?
Ben Carlson
Is Daycare the Next Student Loan Crisis?
Before my oldest entered kindergarten this fall, we had 3 children going to daycare for a year-and-a-half or so. Our twins still have a few years to go. The monthly bill was higher than our mortgage payment (including property taxes). Luckily, my wife and I love our daycare. Our kids love going and playing with…
All-Time Highs Are Both Scary & Normal
New all-time highs aren’t something to fear in the stock market.
Animal Spirits: The Nastiest, Hardest Problem in Finance
This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is supported by YCharts: Mention Animal Spirits and receive 20% off your subscription price when you initially sign up for the service. We discuss: The Charles Schwab-TD Ameritrade deal Did Robinhood completely change the landscape in asset management? The Robloncho and the Cybertruck How to crack the retirement income problem…
We Don’t Need a Recession For a Reset in the Stock Market
The stock market doesn’t need a recession for a large correction.
Talk Your Book: Value & Momentum with Wes & Jack
Ben & Michael chat with Wes Gray & Jack Vogel from Alpha Architect about their thoughts on value and momentum investing strategies.
The 5 Greatest Investors of All-Time
My picks for the greatest investors of all-time.
The 5 Types of Market Crash Predictions
Understanding the motivations behind market crash predictions.
Rituals and Routines
Dana Cavalea became the strength and conditioning coach for the New York Yankees at the tender age of 23. He quickly learned professional athletes who play more than 30 pre-season games, 162 regular-season games, and potentially dozens of more games in the playoffs need to have a structured routine in place in order to succeed….
Animal Spirits: Worst Call Ever?
Michael and Ben give their review of Disney+, the most bearish call on Netflix, Armegeddon calls and much more.