The Roth vs. traditional IRA debate.
Ben Carlson
It’s OK To Build Wealth Slowly
Why personality matters so much when choosing your investment strategy.
Bitcoin is a Call Option on Human Nature
Bitcoin is some combination of trust, faith, hope, technology and human nature.
Talk Your Book: 2021 Outlook
Michael and I speak with Matthew Bartolini about options for diversified investors and more.
Deep Risk in the United States of America
The great depression in our politics.
Animal Spirits: Inflation Truthers
Michael and I discuss the crypto craze, being right for the wrong reasons and more.
Updating My Favorite Performance Chart For 2020
Asset class performance over the past 10 years.
Inflation Truthers
Myth-busting the inflation rate.
Drawdowns & Melt-Ups: The Year That Was in the Markets
A look back at the markets during 2020.
Animal Spirits: The Best of 2020
Our favorite books, movies, TV shows and blog posts of 2020.