Search Results for: "different"

What Happens to Stocks After a Big Down Month?

Stocks just had one of their worst months on record with the S&P falling 8.2% on a total return basis.1 These are the worst monthly declines on the S&P going back to 1926: You can see plenty of these massive down months have occurred in and around some of the worst market crashes in history…

5 Companies Make up 18% of the S&P 500. Should Investors Care?

Investors have an endless supply of things to worry about simply because we know more about the markets than previous generations of investors. The massive growth of technology stocks over the past decade or so gives many investors pause about how this impacts the market structure. In this piece I wrote for Fortune I look…

Markets Have ALWAYS Been Rigged, Broken & Manipulated

Every year the entire global financial system avoids complete and utter collapse the chorus of anger grows louder from a subset of people who claim markets are some combination of broken, rigged and manipulated. Markets are untethered from fundamentals and nothing more than a casino. Central bank intervention, massive stock buyback programs, the rise of…

The Biggest Wealth Levers

Wealth is a subjective thing because there are so many variables that impact a person’s finances. And the yardsticks for wealth are often misleading. Sure, there are plenty of people out there who drive the best cars and have amazing homes who also have loaded investment portfolios. Yet there are also those who are in…

Talk Your Book: How to Create Income in Your Portfolio

Today’s Animal Spirits: Talk Your Book is presented by the Covered Bridge Fund: We discuss: What are covered calls? Why it’s sot hard to find an investment strategy that sits between stocks and bonds Pros and cons of a covered call strategy The different types of options income strategies How to benchmark alternative strategies What…

Simple vs. Complex, 2019 Edition

Charley Ellis is one of my favorite communicators in the investment world. His career has intersected with a number of different investment organizations which gives him a unique perspective on how things typically work. His book Winning the Loser’s Game is an all-timer investment book and his approach to minimizing mistakes resonated with me immediately upon…