Why retirement planning is a process not an event.
Search Results for: "benchmark"
Would You Rather Outperform During Bull Markets or Bear Markets?
Why it’s so difficult to outperform the market.
Talk Your Book: How to Buy Treasuries
On today’s show, we are joined by Alex Morris, Co-Founder and CIO of F/m Investments and the US Benchmark Series to discuss yield volatility, why it’s so hard to buy single treasuries, the 2023 banking crisis, and much more!
What Income Level Makes You Rich?
Income levels by age and percentile.
10 Years of A Wealth of Common Sense
10 years of writing this blog.
2022 Was One of the Worst Years Ever For Markets
This was one of the worst years ever for financial markets.
How Often is the Market Down in Consecutive Years?
Stocks and bonds are rarely down two years in a row but it can happen.
The Thing That’s Hard About Markets
Why aren’t oil prices higher right now?
It Might Take a Recession to Slow Down the Consumer
Prosecuting a chart crime.
Why Isn’t Inflation Falling?
Two reasons inflation has remained elevated.