On today’s show, we discuss soaring commodity prices, crashing tech stocks, the economic impact of sanctions, and much more.
Why Gas Prices Matter So Much
How will consumers react to higher prices?
The Boom-Bust Cycle in Commodities
The commodities are so cyclical.
Animal Spirits: The Financial Rails of the Future
We spoke with Meow co-founder Brandon Arvanaghi about using crypto to earn more money on cash savings.
There is No Hedge For Everything
There are no perfect investments or portfolios.
4 Ways to Create a Less Volatile Portfolio
How to Invest When You Have a Low Tolerance For Risk
Animal Spirits: A Moral Margin Call
On today’s show, we talk about geopolitical events, a busy earnings week, and much more.
Predicting the Future is Hard
Why I have more questions than answers right now.
Preparing For a Wider Range of Outcomes
Ian Bremmer’s thoughts on Putin, Ukraine and what the potential outcomes are.
Why the 2020s Housing Market is Going to Make Inequality Even Worse
What if housing prices continue to rise?