Why luck plays such a large role in your financial success or failure.
Why luck plays such a large role in your financial success or failure.
How to navigate your first painful bear market.
On today’s episode, we recap our experience at Future Proof, interest rates vs. inflation for the stock market, a blow-off top in short-term rates, what could cause international stocks to outperform, housing inflation, why the housing market is broken, George Clooney’s best movie and much more.
“I’m not going to argue with people that are broker than me about money.”
On today’s show, we spoke to Fabric Risk Co-Founder, Rick Bookstaber about identifying risks for advisors, lifestyle characteristics and risks, the MSCI factor model, scenario testing, and much more.
My all-time favorite stock market analogy.
Why inflation matters more to the stock market than interest rates.
Life planning vs. financial planning.
On today’s show, we discuss the worst first 8 months ever, the illiquidity premium, Q2 earnings, The Robinhood Investor Index, and much more!
Why our brains default to the negative side of things.