Talk Your Book: The Biggest Short Squeeze of All Time

On today’s show, we are joined by Luke Oliver, Managing Director, Head of Climate Investments, and Head of Strategy at Kraneshares to discuss the biggest short of all time, how emissions are related to political risk, what drives carbon price, and much more!

Why Invest in Stocks When Bond Yields Are Higher?

In the fall of 1981 the yield on 30 year U.S. Treasury bonds hit 15%. Fifteen percent! For 30 years! One million dollars invested at that time would have been paying out $150,000 a year in interest for 3 decades.1 Can you imagine how much demand there would be for bonds yielding 15% for that long…

Animal Spirits: Is a Soft Landing Inflationary?

On today’s show, we discuss why people still invest in stocks even when bond rates are high, international stocks are on a tear, the 60/40 argument that never dies, the Fed vs. the bond market, record high dividends in the stock market, why it’s so hard to predict bottoms, Michael’s NY Giants playoff game experience & much more.

Talk Your Book: Investing in Fallen Angels

On today’s show, we are joined by Fran Rodilosso, Head of Fixed Income ETF Portfolio Management at VanEck to discuss rising stars vs fallen angels, how to be tactical with fixed income, what a fallen angel is, and much more!

The Long-Term Wins

Some people might think it’s bizarre that turning the page on the calendar should matter to investors. Why do investment professionals care about the end of a month, quarter or year? These periods do seem arbitrary but the changing of the calendar from one year to the next offers a good chance for market nerds…