Search Results for: "behavior"

The Art of Repetition

When my wife and I discovered we were having twins I knew my time and energy management skills were going to be put to the test. We already had a toddler at home so we knew what to expect in terms of sleep (or lack thereof) and the amount of care newborns need. Multiplying that…

Is It Worth It To Be a Famous Fund Manager Anymore?

Bill Gross had a surprisingly candid interview with Robin Wigglesworth of the Financial Times this week. Multiple times he mentioned his desire for fame as a fund manager: “I wanted to be famous because I wanted to be loved . . . so I pursued that obsessively,” he reflects at one point. “Shit, that’s why…

From Chaos to Concept

Tim Ferriss recently had author and Jim Collins on his podcast to discuss his research and what he’s learned about business over the years. Collins has sold over 10 million books including Good to Great and Built to Last. Collins mentioned he was lucky enough to be mentored by the late-Peter Drucker and shared two things he learned…

Cherish Your Exceptions

December was a brutal month for the stock market. Here are the daily returns through Christmas Eve (losses of 1% or worse in red): Not only was the S&P 500 down almost 15% for the month at this point, but it was in the midst of a bear market that began in late-September: Then a…

Selectively Cheap

There’s an old saying that goes something like this: if you want to know someone’s priorities in life just look at their checkbook online banking statement and calendar. How people spend their time and money tells you a lot about where their priorities lie. Unfortunately, budgeting is a four-letter word for most people, so very…

Shifting Risks in the Bond Market

The Fed has raised interest rates nine times since December 2015. As much as some prognosticators would have you believe the Fed completely manipulates the interest rate markets, they really only have control over short-term rates. Long-term rates have a mind of their own and the bond market doesn’t always agree with the Fed on…

Animal Spirits Episode 65: Stay the Course

On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss: Jack Bogle’s legacy. Some unknown stories from Bogle’s latest book about Vanguard’s humble beginnings. How Dan Egan budgets his spending each month. Why you should treat saving money like a regular bill payment. Are student loans holding back the housing market? What happens if…

Putting in the Reps

One of the best parts of the on-demand entertainment world we now live in is that you can consume content from people in different formats than you could in the past. When I was in high school and college Late Night with Conan O’Brien show was appointment viewing for me and my friends. His first…

Animal Spirits Episode 62: The Market Swoon

This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is sponsored by YCharts: Mention Animal Spirits and receive 20% off your subscription price when you sign up. We discuss: Steve Mnuchin’s bizarre statement on the banks. Big up and down days in the market. What’s the biggest cause of the market’s downturn? Are algos really to blame…

Big Up Days In The Stock Market

On this week’s Animal Spirits podcast Michael and I predicted some vicious countertrend rallies in the midst of the current bear market in stocks. Here’s the tape: There was some fortuitous timing with the release of the show and the market action that followed. We taped this one a little early because of the holidays…