Talking Don’t Fall For It with Barry Ritholtz and Michael Batnick.
Talking Don’t Fall For It with Barry Ritholtz and Michael Batnick.
At what level does government debt become unsustainable?
Thinking about saving for retirement from a number of different perspectives.
Back to the Future in the stock market when losses hit.
On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael and Ben… We discuss: Kobe Bryant and learning to deal with death Why did boomers own so many more homes at a young age than millennials do now? Have zero trading commissions led to increased trading? Why has the turnover of stocks increased in recent decades? Reasons for…
Understanding the markets boils down to a combination of studying the past, analyzing the present and preparing for the future. The future part is always the tricky one because we have no idea what will happen when it comes to any of the most important variables. But we can set expectations based on the general…
I made a quick two-day trip to New York City at the end of last week. I like to be as efficient as possible on these trips because it’s no fun being away from my family for too long. Here’s what I packed into this one: Caught up with my colleagues at our firm’s HQ…
Some lessons in sales and trust from the man who tried to sell the Eiffel Tower twice.
Pros and cons of homeownership.
The annual update of my favorite performance chart drew a number of good responses and questions. I’m going to go through two that I thought were worth some more digging: Question 1: Can you take this allocation quilt back 20 years? The past 10 years have felt like complete and utter domination by large cap…