Michael and Ben discuss the potential for a vaccine and the post-election market moves.
Could the Bond Market Derail the Stock Market?
How an economic boom could eventually be bad for the stock market.
The Post-Pandemic Trade
The impact of a potentially effective vaccine on the markets and economy.
What Happens When Investors See People Dumber Than They Are Getting Rich
Warren Buffett on why bubbles are a permanent part of the markets.
My Biggest Post-Election Market Questions
Some of the biggest questions I’m thinking about after a wild week.
Everybody Lies: Pollster Edition
Did Nate Silver get it wrong again or are people being too hard on 538’s model?
Animal Spirits: Trading the Election
Today’s Animal Spirits is brought to you by Interactive Brokers. Check out the Impact Dashboard to create a positive impact with your investments. We discuss: The presidential election and your portfolio How does the stock market typically react after the election? What is the contrarian take on the election? How many investors made changes to…
Some Business & Leadership Lessons From Past Presidents
Some lessons in life from Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, JFK and Lyndon B. Johnson.
When the Siren Song of Market Timing is the Loudest
Why so many investors are tempted to make portfolio changes around presidential elections.
Presidential Terms & Market Cycles
Does the market care who the president is?