Market History

5 Companies Make up 18% of the S&P 500. Should Investors Care?

Investors have an endless supply of things to worry about simply because we know more about the markets than previous generations of investors. The massive growth of technology stocks over the past decade or so gives many investors pause about how this impacts the market structure. In this piece I wrote for Fortune I look…

Markets Have ALWAYS Been Rigged, Broken & Manipulated

Every year the entire global financial system avoids complete and utter collapse the chorus of anger grows louder from a subset of people who claim markets are some combination of broken, rigged and manipulated. Markets are untethered from fundamentals and nothing more than a casino. Central bank intervention, massive stock buyback programs, the rise of…

A Random Watch Down Wall Street: Trading Places

On this edition of our favorite finance movies, we re-watched the Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis, Eddie Murphy classic, Trading Places. We discuss: Lifestyles of the rich and famous in the 1980s Why did it take so long for movies to start in the 80s? Trading commodities in the futures pits Gold vs stocks since…

A Random Watch Down Wall Street: Boiler Room

A few weeks ago we were having a discussion on Twitter about the greatest finance movies. Here’s the list we came up with: The Big Short Trading Places Wall Street Boiler Room Margin Call The Wolf of Wall Street Someone then had the bright idea to recommend Michael and I re-watch some of these classics…