Michael and I discuss future stock market returns, inflation at Chipotle, growth vs. deep value and much more.
Ben Carlson
The Pandemic Has Made Everyone Richer
People measure gains on a relative basis.
Talk Your Book: Massive ETF Inflows
Michael and I spoke with State Street’s Matt Bartolini about fund flows, inflation and 2022 markets.
Are 5 Stocks Really Carrying the Entire Stock Market?
Why the biggest stocks matter so much.
Finding Some Middle Ground Between Paul Volcker & Jerome Powell
The Fed can’t save us from inflation (yet).
Enjoying Life Now vs. Enjoying Life in the Future
Balancing out travel vs. saving in your 20s.
Animal Spirits: Person of the Year
Michael and I discuss my trip to NYC, the biggest stocks are on their own planet, inflation and more.
Inflation in the Housing Market
Your personal circumstances matter when figuring out your true inflation rate.
Talk Your Book: Investing in Carbon Allowances
Michael and I spoke with Luke Oliver about investing in carbon allowances.
Expected Returns Over the Next Decade
What returns should investors expect over the next decade?