“Volatility can be a good thing for investors; be prepared to benefit from it. […] Political uncertainty – like any other form of uncertainty – can be your green light to move into a market.” – Mark Mobius Emerging Markets have been getting all of the financial headlines lately. Currency issues and political instability have…
Ben Carlson
Apple After Earnings
“Individual investors predictably flock to stocks in companies that are in the news.” – Daniel Kahneman
Pricing Power
“Understanding the irrationalities inherent to human nature is every bit as important as understanding how to read a balance sheet and an income statement.” – Robert Hagstom People make funny decisions with money sometimes. Here are three examples that I find fascinating and confusing yet not all that surprising. 1. Used Car Sales A group…
Buffett’s Fourth Law of Motion: Your Behavior
“The investor’s chief problem – and even his worst enemy – is likely to be himself.” – Benjamin Graham
How Debt Affects Your Spending
A new study from Stanford University shows that households with higher levels of debt are much more sensitive to changes in income levels than those with lower debt loads. This seems obvious in hindsight, but households with a large buildup in debt were much more ill-prepared for declines in asset prices during the financial crisis…
Economics: The Debate Club
“Think like an investor and not like an economist or politician.” – Richard Bernstein According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), since 1857, the U.S. has experienced 33 recessions that lasted an average of 17 months. That means that there’s been a recession in one out of every five years, on average. In…
Answers to Your Biggest Financial Concerns
“Hire an advisor because it is very hard to see the errors in your own behavior & it is easy to see the errors in someone else’s behavior. Very few people need to hire advisors because of the size of their calculators. They need an advisor to help them behave correctly.” – Carl Richards
Financial Envy
“Nothing obscures your financial judgment on investments more than the site of your neighbor getting rich.” – JP Morgan A research study posed the following question: which new employee would be happier, the person making $36,000 in a firm where the starting salary is $40,000 or the one making $34,000 where the average is $30,000?…
How I Think About Stock Losses
“Unless you can watch your stock holdings decline by 50% without becoming panic-stricken, you should not be in the stock market.” – Warren Buffett Doug Kass posed a fair question on Twitter this week: The first thing that popped into my head was ‘younger investors should welcome regular market declines.’ I’ve been working in the…
William Bernstein on Diversification
“The good news is that in reality, risk and diversification are about what happens over the long haul, not during a punishing downturn like 2007-2009.” – William Bernstein In Skating Where the Puck Was, William Bernstein tackles one of the central tenets of any comprehensive investment plan — diversification. Specifically, Bernstein discusses correlation among the…