Ben Carlson

Building Castles in the Air

“The result of all this is that Americans are the best entertained and quite likely the least well-informed people in the Western world.” – Neil Postman Legend has it the first mechanical clock was invented by a monk named Gerbert (who later became Pope Sylvester II) in the 10th century. Monks practice a regular schedule…

Animal Spirits: Business in a Box

On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael and Ben we discuss: What to make of negative interest rates Who is buying these bonds with negative rates? The new Apple credit card What I wish I knew at age 34 SPY and the last survivor The growth in takeout food If we’re at the low point…

The Impact of Interest Rates & Inflation on Stock Market Valuations

It feels like we’ve been having the same conversation about U.S. stock market valuations for 7-8 years now. But just saying “valuations are high so they have to come back down to average” misses out on the nuance and context required to think through where they stand. It would be naive to assume valuations will…