The curse of nostaligia.
Ben Carlson
Animal Spirits: Everyone Knows Everything
Michael and I discuss how luck was a huge determining factor in financial success or failure this year and much more.
9 Questions I Have For 2021
9 topics I’m thinking about for 2021.
The Biggest Market Comeback of the Year
It’s not just the big 5 stocks carrying the market anymore.
Type I and Type II Charlatans
The two types of people who will try to trick you with your finances.
Talk Your Book: Momentum Investing with Joe Terranova
Michael and I spoke with Joe Terranova about his 2020 investing lessons and new ETF.
A Short History of Chasing The Best Performing Funds
A look back at some of the most popular mutual funds ever and what happened to them.
Animal Spirits: Never Stop Buying Lottery Tickets
This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is supported by YCharts: Mention Animal Spirits and receive 20% off your subscription price when you initially sign up for the service. We discuss: Pros and cons of the new stimulus bill The psychology of round numbers in markets Tesla, Tesla, Tesla Learning the wrong lessons from 2020 Robinhood is…
Investing in Stocks At All-Time Highs
The head games all-time highs can play with investors.
What If You Only Invested at Market Peaks?
The story of the world’s worst market timer.