Search Results for: "10 year return"

Rick Ferri on Stock Losses

“There is risk, there is return and there are costs, all else is marketing.” – Rick Ferri When I get sick of music or sports talk radio on my commute into work I often like to fill that time with podcasts. My iPhone plugs right into my car radio so it’s an easy change of…

How to Create a Bond Ladder Using ETFs

“Most investors are primarily oriented toward return, how much they can make and pay little attention to risk, how much they can lose.” – Seth Klarman Reader mailbag: Is there a way to create a laddered bond portfolio using bond funds instead of individual bonds? I can understand why bond investors would be looking at…

3 Reasons to Save More Money

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” – Dr. Suess Saving is by far the most important first step in any investment plan. Without a solid savings portfolio your investment decisions don’t really have much of an impact. Here are 3 additional benefits to saving more money. 1. Replace Less Current Income…

The Best Books I Read in 2013

“In my whole life, I have known no wise people over a broad subject matter area who didn’t read all the time – none, zero.” – Charlie Munger These are the best books I’ve read in 2013. INVESTING Backstage Wall Street by Josh Brown Brown spent a number of years working as a commissioned broker…

More Stock Bubble Talk

“It’s one of my first principles that we never know where we’re going – given the unreliability of macro forecasting – but we ought to know where we are.” – Howard Marks Reader mailbag: I read your article about stock levels (New Round Numbers! What Does it All Mean?) and I’m curious how you could…

You Should Listen to the Smart People, Right?

An old article from the New York Magazine made the rounds on Twitter last week titled “Strike up the bonds.” It was originally written in 1992 and it covered the economic uncertainty that existed at that time. Here are some excerpts: “The economy may, in fact, be stuck in a rarefied zone somewhere between recession…