Betting against the U.S. economy has never been a good idea.
Animal Spirits: When to Sell a Growth Stock
Today’s Animal Spirits is presented by GiveWell: We discuss: Will Omicron prolong the supply chain and labor market shortage problems? Did we miss out on our roaring 20s? Why I’m never shopping at the mall again People have too much stuff We’re close to a record number of all-time highs in stocks this year Are returns…
The Best Books I Read in 2021
My favorite reads from this past year.
My Favorite Charts of 2021
Some visuals that caught my eye this past year.
Animal Spirits: Listener Mailbag
Michael and I empty the Animal Spirits inbox to answer podcast listener questions.
The Future of the Movie Industry
Why The Godfather wouldn’t get made today as a movie.
Could Crypto Adoption Eventually Derail the Stock Market?
How crypto will impact other financial assets in the years ahead.
Animal Spirits: An Extraordinary Decade
Michael and I discuss future stock market returns, inflation at Chipotle, growth vs. deep value and much more.
The Pandemic Has Made Everyone Richer
People measure gains on a relative basis.
Talk Your Book: Massive ETF Inflows
Michael and I spoke with State Street’s Matt Bartolini about fund flows, inflation and 2022 markets.