Following the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 a number of macro doom-and-gloomers began predicting a collapse of the U.S. dollar. The Fed was “printing” trillions of dollars. Interest rates had never been that low before. It was an appealing narrative if you were someone stuck in the negative feedback loop of the biggest economic crash…
How the Fed Screwed Up the Housing Market
Why lots of people are out of luck with the hight cost of housing.
Talk Your Book: Fixing Fixed Income
On today’s Talk Your Book, we spoke to Russell Feldman from IMTC on innovating the fixed income investment process, differences between trading stocks vs. bonds, risk management within fixed income, and much more.
Reality is Messier Than Spreadsheets
When it’s OK for your savings rate to drop.
Animal Spirits: The Super Bubble
On today’s show, we discuss Jeremy Grantham’s super bubble call, how “don’t fight the Fed” has evolved, why all opinions are extreme today, how the bottom 50% are making the biggest financial progress, how the Fed screwed up the housing market and much more.
Interest Rates vs. Inflation
What’s better: high inflation+high rates or high inflation+low rates?
Talk Your Book: Interest Rates and Volatility
On today’s show, we spoke with Jason Barsema about the ins and outs of structured notes, how downside protection works, when it makes sense to use structured notes, and much more.
Living Like Nothing Matters
Some thoughts on the universe.
It’s OK to Be Bearish But It’s Not OK to Stay Bearish
How to think about investing during a prolonged bear market.
Savers of the World Rejoice — Yield is Back
Where should I invest my cash now?