Animal Spirits: Why Crypto Needs BlackRock

On this weeks show, we discuss:
– Why the bond market isn’t always the smart money
– Some more good news on the inflation front
– Why lifestyle inflation is at all-time highs
– Talking ourselves out of a boom
– Why smart people have a hard time admitting they are wrong
– Bitcoin ETF’s
– Credit card reward point inflation
– The most charismatic actor of all-time, and much more!

Talk Your Book: Advisor Best Practices

On today’s show, we are joined by Chris Shuba, Founder and CEO of Helios to discuss:
– ETFs vs. Direct Indexing
– Why differentiation matters for advisors
– Utilizing content to drive business
– Where the wealth management business goes from here, and much more!

Animal Spirits: Why Are Houses So Expensive?

On today’s show, we discuss:
– Investor behavior in a bull market
– How Boomers fell in love with stocks
– How the unemployment rate impacts stock market returns
– Why Americans love spending money so much
– Why down payments for houses are falling
– How credit cards ruined the airport lounge, and much more!

Talk Your Book: Internet Stocks with Income

On today’s show, we are joined by Jonathan Shelon, COO of KraneShares to discuss internet growth in China, how to get exposure to China, how the KLIP ETF is able to generate high yields, risks involved with covered call strategies, cash flow rebalancing with KWEB, and much more!

How Much Money Does it Take to Feel Wealthy?

Wealth is a relative feeling. Some people compare their level of wealth to other people. Some people compare their level of wealth to their previous levels of wealth. Some people think of wealth in terms of the material possessions they own. Some people think of wealth in terms of how much money they make. Some…