An update on the state of the U.S. consumer.
An update on the state of the U.S. consumer.
There are three things people in the finance world hate to admit: I don’t know. I was wrong. I didn’t expect that to happen. A master-of-the-universe mentality is pervasive in finance because it’s a group of highly educated, competitive people. They see it as a sign of weakness if you admit you don’t know what’s…
Would you rather make a lot of money in a high-stress job or live out your dream job for lower pay?
On todays show, we discuss:
– Higher for longer
– Soft landings
– Why nothing has broken yet in the economy
– Where the housing bubbles are
– Why its harder than ever to outperform the market
– Gambling vs. day trading
– NFTs are worthless, and much more!
Why the U.S. is not in another housing bubble but other countries cannot make the same claim.
On today’s show, we are joined by Ed Egilinsky, Managing Director and Head of Alternatives at Direxion to discuss:
– How leverage is created within leveraged ETFs
– Why leveraged ETFs should not be held long-term
– Investing in China
– Using ETF flows as a trading signal
– Direxions tactical commodity ETF
– Diversifying Nasdaq exposure with equal weight ETFs, and much more!
A list of my investment beliefs.
What the fishing industry in India can teach us about outperforming the stock market.
Renting vs. buying a house in the Bay Area.
On today’s show, we discuss:
– Future Proof
– How markets have changed over the past 70 years
– Why allocations to stocks are higher than they were in the past
– Small caps vs. large caps
– Trading options vs. gambling on sports
– Why people spend more money then they earn
– Why the vibes are off in the economy
– Starter homes, and much more!