Ten of the best books I’ve read this year.
Ten of the best books I’ve read this year.
What we build in the United States.
New vs. existing home sales.
On today’s show, we discuss:
– Mission accomplished from the Fed
– What comes after a soft landing
– New highs in the stock market
– Small caps breaking out
– The best thing we’ve built in America
– More people own stocks than ever
– The economic chart of the year
– The best movie of the 2020s (so far), and much more!
A deep dive into the historical performance of the Nasdaq 100.
On today’s show, we are joined by Marco Hanig, Managing and Founding Principal of Alternative Fund Advisors and former Principal at AQR to discuss:
– The basics to Private Credit
– The differences between a loan and a bond
– Why Private Credit is earning a premium yield, and much more!
What it took to get back to all-time highs in stocks.
Why are there so many permabears and doomers these days?
How many millionaires reside in the United States?
On today’s episode, we discuss:
– Good news on the economy
– Why the stock market loves lower inflation
– Did Elon Musk help lower inflation
– Getting bullish on consumer sentiment
– Netflix won the streaming war
– Rich Dad/Poor Readers
– Timing the the housing market, and much more!