Don’t Try to Get Rich Twice

Warren Buffett recently spent some time giving a talk to a group of MBA students at the University of Maryland and was asked what the most important skill in finance is. This was his response: The most important skill in finance is salesmanship. That’s how you convince someone to marry you and that’s how you get…

How Bad Could Bond Market Losses Get?

Financial advisor Ric Edelman gave Howard Gold at MarketWatch some pretty sobering thoughts on the bond market this past week: “The typical investor today has never experienced a sustained rising-rate environment and they are emotionally and historically unprepared for what happens when interest rates go up 3% or 5%,” he said in a telephone interview…

The Limitations of Algorithms

It would be an understatement to say that the election result caught some people off-guard (just not Dave Chappelle or Chris Rock). When these things happen, rational people try to learn from their mistakes by showing some humility. Political discussions are rarely rational, though, so the past week or so has been filled with hindsight bias,…

My Evidence-Based Observations

We had our first ever Evidence-Based Investing Conference with IMN in New York City yesterday. It was a packed house, we had an unbelievable line-up of speakers and it looked like everyone had a good time. Josh provided a nice recap of the event this morning so no need for me to go into detail on…

The Bright Side of Rising Interest Rates

The Wall Street Journal has a useful interactive tool that can show investors how sensitive their government bond holdings are to changes in interest rates. For example, here’s what things would look like if rates rose 1% from current levels on a number of different sovereign bonds at different maturity levels: And here’s what would…

You Are Not Stanley Druckenmiller

“Soros is the best loss taker I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t care whether he wins or loses on a trade. If a trade doesn’t work, he’s confident enough about his ability to win on other trades that he can easily walk away from the position. There are a lot of shoes on the shelf; wear…

Could a Trump Presidency Lead to a Stock Market Bubble?

First of all let me say this — no one knows what’s going to happen based on last night’s election outcome. The people who have been wrong about this outcome for so long will be the same ones who will tell you exactly how it will play out from here. They will be wrong again….

Is a Starter Home One of the Worst Purchases You Can Make?

A few weeks ago I wrote about 10 purchases that are worth the money, but threw in a caveat about one of them — buying a house: I think the idea of buying a starter home is one of the worst moves you can make financially as a younger person. Buying a starter home will…

How Investors Develop Bad Habits

One of the hardest parts about investing is that prudent advice doesn’t always work. Risk management doesn’t always add value. Legitimate strategies can go long stretches where they don’t work very well. Diversification means you’ll always hate something in your portfolio. Junk stocks can outperform high quality companies depending on the starting prices and valuations….

Some Things That Haven’t Been Around Very Long

I just finished reading David McCullough’s critically acclaimed book, The Wright Brothers. Going into it I didn’t really know too much about the fascinating story beyond that historic first flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903. That first flight garnered little fanfare at the time (most people just didn’t believe it was possible), but the innovation that followed…