How the stock market has fared in the past from various interest rate and inflation levels.
Ben Carlson
How Prepared Are Consumers For a Recession?
An update on the state of the U.S. consumer.
Three Things Investment People Hate to Admit
There are three things people in the finance world hate to admit: I don’t know. I was wrong. I didn’t expect that to happen. A master-of-the-universe mentality is pervasive in finance because it’s a group of highly educated, competitive people. They see it as a sign of weakness if you admit you don’t know what’s…
The 3 Types of Jobs
Would you rather make a lot of money in a high-stress job or live out your dream job for lower pay?
Where the Housing Bubbles Are
Why the U.S. is not in another housing bubble but other countries cannot make the same claim.
24 Things I Believe About Investing
A list of my investment beliefs.
How to Outperform
What the fishing industry in India can teach us about outperforming the stock market.
Renting vs. Buying: When You Shouldn’t Buy a House
Renting vs. buying a house in the Bay Area.
How Individual Retirement Accounts Changed the Stock Market Forever
How IRAs changed the markets forever.
How Rich Are American Households?
A detailed look at hosuehold balance sheets from assets to liabilities.