Ben Carlson

Investing in Yourself (Even When It Seems Irrational)

A couple years ago I read an article about a new online brokerage firm that was geared towards young people called Robinhood. It sounded intriguing so I opened up an account to give it a test run. The great thing about Robinhood is that all trades are commission free. I trade infrequently but I’m always…

Your Brain on $

“The single greatest challenge you face as an investor is handling the truth about yourself.” – Jason Zweig In a presentation I gave a couple weeks ago I used the following slide: Your Money & Your Brain by Jason Zweig is my favorite book on human behavior so I’m constantly sourcing, re-reading and using material from…

The Biggest Common Investment Errors

It’s hard to believe but it’s now been 10 years since the first rumblings began prior to the Great Financial Crisis. My guess is we’ll be re-living many of the events that led to the worst crisis since the Great Depression in the months and years ahead. Financial stocks and some home builders saw some…

Prepare Now For The End of The Bull Market

It’s much easier to come up with the reasons for a bear market after the fact so I like the idea of thinking these things through beforehand, even if it’s impossible to predict the future. Here’s a piece I wrote for Bloomberg laying out some possible scenarios that could derail this bull market. ******* I…

10 Questions

10 questions I’m pondering at the moment: 1. Are investors right to worry about bonds more than stocks? The Wealth of Common Sense anecdotal sentiment reading shows that most investors are more concerned with bonds these days than stocks. Risk is in the eye of the beholder but I wonder if this worry will be a…

Why I’m Bullish on the Next Gen in Finance

A few weeks ago I wrote that I’m optimistic about the future of the finance industry. Maybe this is the value investor in me talking because expectations are so low following the financial crisis but I’m especially bullish on young people in finance. My views could be clouded by my personal experience but the up-and-comers…

Time Scarcity & The Allure of More

A new report from researchers at the University of British Columbia shows that buying time makes people happier. The authors of the report say there’s a rising anxiety around “time scarcity.” This time scarcity and the cult of being busy has led many people to become overworked and in poor health. Here’s the main takeaway:…

Why Is There a Retirement Crisis?

It seems like every week I see another survey about how ill-prepared the baby boomer generation is for retirement. Here’s the latest from Alessandra Malito of MarketWatch: Baby boomers, or those born between 1946 and 1964, expect they’ll need $658,000 in their defined contribution plans by the time they retire, but the average in those…

Why It’s Becoming Impossible to Gauge Investor Sentiment

I remember reading an article at the start of 2013 that concluded, “This market reeks of euphoria.” The S&P 500 is up around 90% since then. The problem with the firehose of information these days is that it’s easier than ever to latch onto a narrative that fits your current world view. In the financial…

When Risk is Not Rewarded

I remember reading The Accidental Billionaires just after it came out in 2009 or so and being blown away by the back story of how Facebook was founded (This is the book the movie Social Network was based on). After reading about the drama surrounding the founding of the company in a Harvard dorm room I would…