The housing market is even worse in Canada than it is here.
The housing market is even worse in Canada than it is here.
Should you care if your investment manager invests in their own strategies?
On today’s show we discuss:
– One of the best years ever for the Nasdaq 100
– People who want to see the financial system burn
– Getting back on trend with economic data
– What if housing prices were just undervalued before the pandemic
– Canada vs. Miami housing prices
– Why married people are happier, and much more!
How the bear market in bonds is forcing fixed income investors into rethinking their asset allocation.
Rethinking the way you look at investing in a bear market.
A 60/40 portfolio is far from dead, even after a terrible year in 2022.
Yields have finally gotten to the point where bonds look attractive again.
On Today’s Show we discuss:
– The outlook for the 60/40 portfolio
– Dollar cost averaging into a bear market
– The evolution of retirement
– The best age for making good financial decisions
– The Fed cannot fix the housing market
– How HGTV ruined housing prices
– Hedging climate change risk, and more!
Why retirement is still a relatively new concept.
On today’s show, we had Hamilton Reiner, MD, PM, and Head of US Equity Derivatives at J.P. Morgan Asset Management to discuss:
– How $JEPI is constructed
– How volatility affects yield
– Why $JEPI has been so popular, and much more!