Forecasting and Your Local Meteorologist

“Recognizing that the amount of confidence someone expresses in a prediction is not a good indicator of its accuracy – to the contrary, these qualities are often inversely correlated. Danger lurks, the in the economy and elsewhere, when we discourage forecasters from making a full and explicit account of the risks inherent in the world…

John Bogle on All-In Investment Expenses

“In the short term the impact of costs may appear modest, but over the long run, investment costs become immensely damaging to an investor’s standard of living. Think long term!” – John Bogle At this point, most investors are aware of the fact that keeping your costs low is one of the most important factors…


“I like the fundamental tenets — do unto others as you would have them do unto you, try to be a good citizen, do what’s right for the people around you.” – John Bogle I found this interesting story in John Bogle’s book, Don’t Count on It: At a party given by a billionaire on…

Rick Ferri on Stock Losses

“There is risk, there is return and there are costs, all else is marketing.” – Rick Ferri When I get sick of music or sports talk radio on my commute into work I often like to fill that time with podcasts. My iPhone plugs right into my car radio so it’s an easy change of…

Last Minute Gift Ideas

“It’s the gift that keeps on giving Clark.” – Cousin Eddie Here are some of my easy, last-minute holiday gift ideas. Netflix Streaming Subscription This is perhaps one of the greatest deals around right now. It’s only $7.99/month for this service. You can give someone the gift of binge watching great TV shows like Friday…

How to Create a Bond Ladder Using ETFs

“Most investors are primarily oriented toward return, how much they can make and pay little attention to risk, how much they can lose.” – Seth Klarman Reader mailbag: Is there a way to create a laddered bond portfolio using bond funds instead of individual bonds? I can understand why bond investors would be looking at…