Good luck betting against America.
Ben Carlson
Bad Returns in the Market Aren’t Always Bad
The best environment for investors just starting out buying stocks.
The Price of Success
Some lessons from the man who helped build Florida into a destination.
The Worst Case Scenario For the Housing Market
Why a housing market crash would be better than the alternative in the housing market.
The Worst Bond Bear Market in History
A short history of bond bear markets.
How to Save Money on a Lower Income
Don’t underestimate the power of compounding over the decades.
The Difference Between Stocks & Bonds
Are bonds cometition for stocks with yields so much higher?
Don’t Just Look at the Results
How many Marvel superheroes take steroids?
Why Are Interest Rates Spiking?
Some theories about the crazy move in bond yields.
Experts vs. Amateurs
Are long bonds the most obvious trade in the markets right now?