Ben Carlson

Is It Worth It To Be a Famous Fund Manager Anymore?

Bill Gross had a surprisingly candid interview with Robin Wigglesworth of the Financial Times this week. Multiple times he mentioned his desire for fame as a fund manager: “I wanted to be famous because I wanted to be loved . . . so I pursued that obsessively,” he reflects at one point. “Shit, that’s why…

The 20 Percent Rule

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 14.5 million people in the U.S. are employed in sales. Considering there are an estimated 153 million people employed in the country that would mean around 9.5% of workers are in sales. While one out of every ten workers is technically in sales according to the BLS…

The Real Estate Market in Charts

A study from BNP Paribas showed close to 60% of respondents felt owning a home was one of the top ingredients in the American Dream. Increasingly, this dream is out of reach for many young people. One of the many reasons so many millennials are unhappy with their financial situation is that buying a house has…

From Chaos to Concept

Tim Ferriss recently had author and Jim Collins on his podcast to discuss his research and what he’s learned about business over the years. Collins has sold over 10 million books including Good to Great and Built to Last. Collins mentioned he was lucky enough to be mentored by the late-Peter Drucker and shared two things he learned…

Animal Spirits Episode 71: Supremely Efficient Markets

This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is sponsored by YCharts: Mention Animal Spirits and receive 20% off your subscription price when you initially sign up for the service. We discuss: Massive V rallies in stocks Did the Fed turn millennials into socialists? Why real estate prices haven’t done as well as you think? Why have U.S….

Averages Are Clean But Actual Results Are Messy

The Credit Suisse 2019 Global Investments Returns Yearbook is a treasure trove of long-term financial market return data. This table on the (very) long-term real returns for stocks and bonds tells a good story: It shows how being an equity owner typically works out better than being a lender over the long-term. It shows financial assets can…

The Alternative Was Worse

David McWilliams from the Financial Times had quite the headline on Friday: Quantitative easing was the father of millennial socialism He cites a number of studies that show a majority of young people prefer bigger government and he places the blame squarely on the Federal Reserve: Ten years ago, faced with the real prospect of…

The Worst Entry Point in Stock Market History?

The 35 year period from 1930 to 1964 produced a total return of 2234% or 9.4% on an annual basis for the S&P 500 index. The 35 year period from 1965 to 1999 produced a total return of 5947% or 12.4% on an annual basis for the S&P 500 index. The 19 year period from…

Why Are People Miserable at Work?

Small talk has never been my thing. When you meet someone new I’d estimate 90% of conversations begin with the following question: “So what do you do?” Very few people care about the answer but this has turned into a cultural norm in recent decades. Work is ingrained in our identities in many ways. Derek…

Animal Spirits Episode 70: The Rich Man’s Disease

On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss: The meaning of work Why working more is making Americans miserable Smartphone addiction Warren Buffett’s latest shareholder letter Does Buffett make it sound too easy? The greatest investor you’ve never heard of The insane rally in the stock market What matters more — performance…