How Captain Cook beat scurvy on the high seas.
Ben Carlson
4 Questions I’m Pondering At the Moment
Four questions I’m thinking about right now: How has the NFL beaten the pandemic? I got this prediction from April half right: There were a handful of college games this weekend but the Big 10 and Pac-12 are still on the sidelines. So I’m taking the win on that one. But I have to eat…
Investing Experts on an Earlier Version of the World
It’s always different in the markets.
The Work From Home Backlash is Upon Us
Why there was bound to be pushback to the work from home trend.
The Emotional and Financial Costs of Infertility
A look at my family’s journey through IVF.
Can the 60/40 Portfolio Still Work?
Why the past 40 years are an aberration but that doesn’t mean the 60/40 portfolio is dead.
Animal Spirits: Democracy Has Failed
Michael and Ben discuss the quick correction in tech stocks, Softbank buying call options on tech stocks & more.
Why Even the Best Stocks Have to Crash
Sometimes the biggest reason the stock market or certain stocks experience a severe decline in price is because they first experienced a massive rise in price. Trees don’t grow to the sky and all that. The pandemic has changed the way we view the many previously held ways of doing things which has led to…
The New Fed Mandate: Full Employment & Asset Bubbles?
As recently as the 1990s, investors were forced to guess what the Federal Reserve was going to do next based on the width of Alan Greenspan’s briefcase.1 Communication from the Fed is still relatively new, maybe two decades old. The 2008 crisis brought the Fed into the information age as Bernanke and company upped their…
The Economics of Parenting
How much does it really cost to raise a child?