Today’s Talk Your Book is presented by BlockFi:
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We discuss:
- Is the CFA worth it?
- How to do well in a job interview
- Some of our biggest job interview mistakes
- Coinbase vs. Robinhood
- NFT mania
- How the Mona Lisa became the most famous painting in the world
- How the internet has changed status chasing
- Bitcoin tourists vs. hodlers
- Why the crypto universe is still so complicated and expensive
- Is it possible to work two remote jobs at once?
- Why aren’t more people going back to work?
- Why I may never pay off my mortgage
- Why it’s impossible to give stock-picking advice to your friends
- Why I’m done with non-fiction books for a while and more
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- The CFA is a colossal waste of time
- Coinbase is ready to purchase $500 million of crypto on its balance sheet
- I don’t f*ckn get it
- The path of the Mona Lisa
- NFTs mark a new chapter for digital content
- People with two remote jobs
- Cutoff of jobless benefits isn’t getting more people back to work
- 74% of homeowners haven’t refinanced
- Why I took money out of my house
- Spotify to spend $1 billions buying back shares
Books mentioned:
Podcasts mentioned:
Charts mentioned:

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