This week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben is supported by YCharts:
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We discuss:
- More bang for the buck: wiping out student loan debt or credit card debt?
- Why haven’t credit card rates moved lower?
- What are we over- and under-estimating about behavioral changes from the crisis?
- Why do people favor real estate as an investment?
- Who profited from negative oil prices?
- Are investors too bullish about the future?
- Are gyms in big trouble?
- How many unemployed people are being made whole?
- Will there be an exodus from cities?
- Will more people retire early because of the crisis?
- How long until we get a vaccine?
- Are things so much better today that we can’t psychologically handle something like a pandemic?
- Will there be a fall semester for college students?
- How a crisis can change your investment thesis on the fly
- The benefits of having a behavioral release valve in your portfolio
- Why do Netflix movies feel like they’re only 80% finished?
- When can we officially declare value investing dead and more
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- Millions of credit-card customers can’t pay their bills
- Capitalism as we know it will likely be changed forever
- The 20 minutes that broke the U.S. oil market?
- Barron’s big money poll
- Peloton attracts record 23,000 to class
- The $600 unemployment booster shot
- Why being laid off can hurt so much
- Michigan unemployment numbers trend upward
- Labor markets during COVID-19
- The first modern pandemic
- Seattle’s leaders let scientists take the lead
- Will there be a fall semester on campus?
- More Americans are taking money from their 401k
- Some crisis investing lessons from my fun portfolio
- Laurence Gonzales on Deep Survival
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