On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss:
- The meaning of work
- Why working more is making Americans miserable
- Smartphone addiction
- Warren Buffett’s latest shareholder letter
- Does Buffett make it sound too easy?
- The greatest investor you’ve never heard of
- The insane rally in the stock market
- What matters more — performance or fees?
- Upside potential in retirement
- More surveys that don’t make any sense
- Why would someone buy a CD yielding 2%?
- How much inheritance should young people expect?
- What comes first — the blog post or the title?
- Why are people so passionate about brunch?
- Things that annoy us, my True Detective review and much more.
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- The religion of workism is making Americans miserable
- Wealthy, successful, and miserable
- Berkshire Hathaway annual letter
- The greatest investor you’ve never heard of
- Passive fund prices flatline
- The extraordinary upside potential in retirement
- 3 in 10 Americans have more in credit card debt than emergency savings
- The inheritance enigma
- Cherish your exceptions
- How I ditched my phone and unbroke my brain
Books mentioned:
- The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
- The Match King by Frank Portnoy
Charts mentioned:

Shows/Movies/Podcasts Mentioned:
- True Detective Season 3 — The first episode sucked me in but it took 4-5 episodes from there for anything else to happen. A decent twist ending in the finale but not good enough to make up for a relatively boring plot (I probably would have given up a lot sooner if it wasn’t for Mahershala Ali’s wonderful acting). I give it a 5.5 out of 10.
And be sure to check out our Wealth/Stack Conference page for our new event in September:
Email us at animalspiritspod@gmail.com with any feedback, recommendations, or questions.
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