On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss:
- Facebook’s massive stock price crash.
- Why my immediate reaction was to buy Facebook after its decline.
- Why being 30 is so much harder for the current generation than their parent’s.
- Is trend-following dead?
- The conflicts of interest that arise when hedge funds have internal funds not open to outside investors.
- Why Gen X has come out of the Great Recession better than other generations in terms of net worth.
- Everyone assumes they have above average intelligence.
- The race to zero in ETF providers.
- How State Street lost market share in the ETF business.
- Why pop culture contrarian indicators don’t work anymore (and never did in the first place).
- What the song Don’t Worry, Be Happy has to do with 1987.
- It is possible to have an economic expansion when the housing market is breaking down?
- Should you pay off student loans before saving for your children’s college education?
- Is now a good time to borrow from your 401(k) to use as a down payment on a house?
- Surveys of the week and much more.
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- Being 30 then and now
- Why Winton’s David Harding is turning away from trend-following
- These hedge funds are doing well but they don’t want your money
- Gen X rebounds as the only generation to recover the wealth lost after the housing crash
- Most Americans think they have above average intelligence
- People have 15 perfect days a year, on average
- How did the firm that pioneered ETFs lose its lead?
- Elizabeth Banks is now working for State Street
- State Street’s opportunity
- Mean reversion & the placebo effect
- Contrarian indicators
- Housing is out in left field
- How an ex-cop rigged the McDonalds monopoly game and stole millions
- ETF stock finder
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