Animal Spirits: Bear Market Math

On today’s show, we discuss the slowing housing market, taking Animal Spirits on the road, why consumers keep spending money, how the stock market moves during a bear market, some optimism for a 60/40 portfolio, why the 4% rule is still alive and well, a bunch of movie recommendations and much more.

Animal Spirits: Why Isn’t Inflation Falling?

On today’s show, we discuss the trouble with nailing the bottom in a bear market, why money continues flowing into ARK, why the VIX isn’t higher, sticky inflation, why the bottom 50% has seen their net worth double since the start of the pandemic, Netflix with ads and much more.

What a Stock Market Bottom Looks Like

There’s an old saying that they don’t ring a bell for you at the top. I know this to be true because investors spent more than 10 years during the bull market of the 2010s calling everything they saw a top. The regime changes are rarely obvious until after the fact. The same is true…