Search Results for: "behavior"

James Montier’s Laws of Investing

“The financial industry has perfected the art of turning the simple into the complex, and in doing so managed to extract fees for itself!” – James Montier GMO is one of the largest and most respected investment managers in the asset management industry. I’ve had the pleasure of hearing one of their founders, Jeremy Grantham,…

The Benefits of Thinking Long-Term

“An investor should be aiming primarily at long period results and judged solely by those.” – John Maynard Keynes Mebane Faber, of Cambria Investment Management, recently created an interesting table on his website that has some important implications for investors.

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

“I’m in debt. I am a true American!” – Balki Bartokomous, Perfect Strangers Debt plays a large role on our lives. Housing, transportation, education, and even daily spending needs are all financed with debt by a large number of people. According to the Federal Reserve, consumer credit (excluding mortgages) in the US stands at $2.8…

How to Ignore the Noise

“As hard as it may be to do so, smart investors know that the key to success is ignoring the daily noise of the markets.” – Larry Swedroe It’s easy to say that we should ignore the noise and not pay attention to the market in the short-term. This is a great piece of advice,…

8 Things I Learned From Your Money & Your Brain

“The best investors make a habit of putting procedures in place, in advance, that help inhibit the hot reactions of the emotional brain.” – Jason Zweig Neuroeconomics is the study of how we make decisions using brain activity (neuroscience), economics and psychology. Think of it as the behavioral finance of our intuition and reactions. In…

Resetting Bond Return Expectations

“If you understand that the role of fixed income is to be the boring part of your portfolio, then you’re buying short- to intermediate-term bonds and you’re holding on to them. That’s always been the role of fixed income and that’ll always be the role of fixed income.” – Carl Richards Bond investors have had…

What’s Your Best Investment Option?

“Whether you take a risk depends not just on the probability that you are right but also on the consequences if you are wrong.” – Peter Bernstein Common sense reader mailbag: You write a lot about investing in index funds. Are these truly the best investment option or are there alternatives that I should be…

How to Create a Common Sense Investment Plan

Goals-based financial planning within your investment plan is a topic I have been wanting to write about for a while now. It’s very difficult to come up with a comprehensive investment plan if you don’t know why you are saving or what your long-term goals are.

Common Sense Investment Rules

“The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective.” – Warren Buffett Just a simple post today.  These are my common sense investment rules. Common Sense Rules That Will Ruin Your Investment Portfolio 1. Trying to consistently “beat the market” 2. Trying to forecast the market in…

My Advice For Young Real Estate Buyers

“What we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.” – Benjamin Disraeli The Wall Street Journal ran an article last week chronicling the stories of young buyers who are stepping up their investments in real estate by, “skipping the starter home and betting heavily on high-end real estate.” We’ve seen this movie…