Talk Your Book: The Private Credit Opportunity Set

On today’s show, we are joined by Kyle Brown, CEO, President, and CIO of Trinity Capital to discuss valuations in the VC market, what advisors should be asking about when investing in this space, issues with crowding within the private credit space, and much more!

Animal Spirits: Trump Coin

On today’s show we discuss a memecoin from the President, what’s next for the crypto industry, the golden age of financial fraud, recessions are becoming less prevalent, how much income it takes to be rich, the Sonos app crash, Wall Street thinks houses are overpriced, youth sports for Millennial parents and much more.

Talk Your Book: 3 Reasons to Buy Bonds

On today’s show, we are joined by Dave Braun, Managing Director and Generalist Portfolio Manager at PIMCO to discuss why rates have been moving higher, if the Fed will get us a soft landing, why mortgage bonds look attractive right now, the resiliency of the US consumer, and much more!