The U.S. stock market has been on fire of late. But it doesn’t feel like we’ve entered the euphoric phase of investor psychology just yet. In fact, many prognosticators have been lowering expectations. Goldman Sachs put out a research piece that posits the S&P 500 could return just 3% annualized over the next 10 years…
Talk Your Book: Factor Investing with Dimensional Fund Advisors
On today’s show, we are joined by Rob Harvey, Co-Head of Product Specialists at Dimensional Fund Advisors to discuss how DFA separates itself as an asset manager, details around converting a mutual fund to an ETF, how DFA handled the meme stock craze, value vs growth, and much more!
The New Normal of Negativity
The U.S. economy is leaving the rest of the world in the dust.
The Inheritance Battle
Should baby boomers give their children an early inheritance?
Sequence of Returns
A closer look at sequence of return risk for both retirees and young savers.
Animal Spirits: The 1990s Really Were Better
On today’s show we discuss an unbelievable run for the stock market, diversification vs. hedging, an unprecedented surge in household wealth, the new normal of negativity, some nostalgia for the 1990s, the stock market doesn’t care who the president is, 100% yields, when to ask for an early inheritance, how to crack an egg correctly and much more.
A Staggering Amount of Wealth Creation
American households have added $100 trillion in net worth since 2009.
Talk Your Book: Yield at What Cost?
On today’s show, we are joined by Jonathan Molchan, Managing Partner at STF Management to discuss how the trend following rules work, issues with traditional call option writing strategies, trend following performance through different cycles, and much more.
Long-Term Stock Market Averages
How average returns change by holding period.
High Earner Not Rich Yet
Rich people who don’t feel rich.