Today’s Animal Spirits is brought to you by Kaplan Schweser:

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On today’s show, we discuss:
- Gross Domestic Product, third quarter 2023 estimate
- The U.S. Economy is booming (for now). What does it mean?
- The American boom
- GDPNow – Federal Reserve of Atlanta
- Auto loan delinquencies: What do they really mean?
- Car owners fall behind on payments at highest rate on record
- The mortgage market is so bad lenders want ex-employees to give back their bonuses
- Stock market briefing: Selected PE ratios (Yardeni)
- How Fidelity and Mutual Series birthed a generation of investing talent
- Why rising home prices aren’t always good news for retirees
- Consumer activity has slowed down
- A reckoning in payments
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Real personal income excluding government transfer payments rose to new all-time high in September
— Liz Ann Sonders (@LizAnnSonders) October 30, 2023
Have started to change my mind on this. There must be something about economic reality that we're not measuring.
— Gregor Macdonald (@GregorMacdonald) October 27, 2023
People will really try to find bad news in anything. The categories BEA lists as "leading contributors" represent 60% of consumer spending. But anyway, every category other than gasoline/energy increased! Those are just the leading ones. The report is good news all around.
— Jeremy 'adjusted for inflation' Horpedahl 📈 (@jmhorp) October 26, 2023
4th time in the last 23 years that $IWM has been in a 33% drawdown. @awealthofcs @KoyfinCharts
— Mike Zaccardi, CFA, CMT 🍖 (@MikeZaccardi) October 28, 2023
Gen Z girl finds out what a real job is like
— 🌈 Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown) October 25, 2023
"The share of U.S. borrowers who were in serious mortgage delinquency (90 days or more late on payments) dropped to 0.9% in August, the lowest recorded since January 1999."
CoreLogic via @calculatedrisk
— Daily Chartbook (@dailychartbook) October 27, 2023
$V CFO: "As we said consistently, we're not economic forecasters, and so at a macro level, we are assuming no recession in our outlook. We're also not factoring in any impact from Reg II & student loan repayments because…we've yet to see any meaningful impact"
— The Transcript (@TheTranscript_) October 25, 2023
Any good reading/listening out there on why all fintech is trading like it’s going to zero?
— BuccoCapital Bloke (@buccocapital) October 27, 2023
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