Today’s Talk Your Book is presented by Polen Capital:

We spoke with Polen Capital’s Rob Forker about investing in small-cap growth stocks around the globe.
We discuss:
- The barbell market in the fund industry
- Why have European tech companies lagged Silicon Valley?
- How international companies are using the U.S. tech roadmap
- Why demographics don’t matter as much in small caps
- Do you really need “boots on the ground” when analyzing foreign companies?
- How do you maintain composure when investing in growth stocks?
- Performing a pre-mortem before investing in a stock
- What is the plan when a stock gets cut in half?
- Are foreign small cap index funds worse than their U.S. peers?
- Sugar high companies vs. high-quality companies
- How or when to sell a stock
- Who are the most patient investors?
Listen here:
- Polen International Small Company Growth Strategy
- The Polen Small Company Growth Team
- Polen Perspectives
- International Small Company Growth Commentary
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