Search Results for: "different"

Why Diversification Works

“Here is part of the tradeoff with diversification. You must be diversified enough to survive bad times or bad luck so that skill and good process can have the chance to pay off over the long term.” – Joel Greenblatt For investors that would like to keep things extremely simple, investing in a low cost…

Investing is a Balancing Act

“The problem with patience and discipline is that it requires both of them to develop each of them.” – Thomas Sterner Investing is all about balance. You must balance your tolerance for risk with your desire to build wealth. You must balance your short-term needs with your long-term goals. And you must find balance within…

Do You Need $1 Million to Retire?

“I don’t believe people who say they don’t care about money and I don’t trust people who care too much.” – Doc Ford According to the World Wealth Report, there are a total of 12 million individuals that are millionaires* around the globe. In the US, that number is roughly 3.7 million people. People have…

Financial Advice for Newlyweds

“It’s tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog but won’t drink from my glass.” “I haven’t spoken to my wife in years. I didn’t want to interrupt her.” – Rodney Dangerfield While attending a recent wedding I was asked what financial advice I would offer to the newlyweds. Here’s what I came up…

Of Course…But Maybe: Financial Advice From Louis CK

“Every day starts, my eyes open and I reload the program of misery. I open my eyes, remember who I am, what I’m like, and I just go, ‘Ugh.’” “I don’t stop eating when I’m full. The meal isn’t over when I’m full. It’s over when I hate myself.” – Louis CK Louis CK is…

Does Past Performance Matter?

“Hindsight, the ability to explain the past, gives us the illusion that the world is understandable.” – Daniel Kahneman “Those classes of investments considered ‘best’ change from period to period.  The pathetic fallacy is what are thought to be the best are in truth only the most popular – the most active, the most talked…

The Real World Retirement Calculator

“To make reliable decisions you must always weigh how right you think you are against how sorry you will be if you turn out to be mistaken.” – Jason Zweig One of the most difficult financial planning questions to answer is: How much do I need to retire? According to BlackRock’s Annual Retirement Survey, 50% of…

James Montier’s Laws of Investing

“The financial industry has perfected the art of turning the simple into the complex, and in doing so managed to extract fees for itself!” – James Montier GMO is one of the largest and most respected investment managers in the asset management industry. I’ve had the pleasure of hearing one of their founders, Jeremy Grantham,…

The Benefits of Thinking Long-Term

“An investor should be aiming primarily at long period results and judged solely by those.” – John Maynard Keynes Mebane Faber, of Cambria Investment Management, recently created an interesting table on his website that has some important implications for investors.

How to Ignore the Noise

“As hard as it may be to do so, smart investors know that the key to success is ignoring the daily noise of the markets.” – Larry Swedroe It’s easy to say that we should ignore the noise and not pay attention to the market in the short-term. This is a great piece of advice,…